Reading Statistical Breakdown: Mid-Point 2015

Welcome to my reading statistical breakdown for the first 6 months of year!

I am going to take all the book, novels, comics, magnas, magazines, and stories I have read (so far) this year, and break it down into a bunch of bookish statistical nonsense and then completely over analyze all of this reading data.

This isn’t going to be Chaos Horizon level in depth, but don’t worry… there will be GRAPHS 😀

*NOTE: All data below is as of July 2, 2015

As of the mid-way point, according to Goodreads I have 40 “books”. You’ll notice I used parentheses. That is because “books” is such a broad term… Check it:

40 BooksG1

  • 26 novels
  • 4 novel omnibuses
  • 3 novellas
  • 2 mangas
  • 1 manga omnibuses
  • 2 comic single issues
  • 1 comic volume
  • 1 magazine

You see, not all “books” are the same.

Now lets break a few of those down one more time:

  • 4 novel omnibuses
    • 6 novels
    • 2 novellas
    • 1 novelette
  • 1 manga omnibus
    • 3 mangas
  • 1 comic omnibus
    • 5 comic single issues
  • 1 magazine
    • 6 short stories
    • 3 poems
    • 5 essays

Which means I have actually read…

40 BooksG2

  • 32 novels
  • 5 novellas
  • 1 novelette
  • 6 short stories
  • 3 poems
  • 5 essays
  • 5 mangas ( at 3 volumes per manga is 15 volumes)
  • 7 comic single issues

PHEW! That was a lot of work! But don’t worry… there is more fun to come.

◊  ◊  ◊

With those 40 books, I have read 14,883 pages. That is an average of:

  • 372 pages per book (Damn comics killing my average)
  • 6.67 books per month (and I rounded up… \\m//  \m/ )
  • 82.68 pages read per day! (My goal is at least 75 pages a day, so I’m very happy about this)

I suppose I could breakdown novels/omnibuses and everything into separate categories to get a “true” average per novel and book, but that would requite too much work… and I think may be overkill XD

See, I don’t keep spread sheet data of my reading – this is all Goodreads right now. Besides, I don’t want to get carried away with a bunch on statistical nonsense 😛

◊  ◊  ◊

*NOTE: This following section will not breakdown the magazine into individual works: the whole magazine is considered 1 book. It has 1 male and 1 female editor which will each be consider as authors.


28 different authors (and editors)

  • 21 authors one book
    • 17 male authors
    • 4 female authors
  • 7 authors multiple books
    • 6 male authors
    • 1 female authors

For those of you keeping that diversity score at home:

  • 8 books by female authors (10% of reading)
    • 5 different authors ( 0.625 books per different female author)
  • 32 books by male authors (90% of reading)
    • 23 different authors ( 0.719 books per different male author)

(Goodreads doesn’t show nationality or ethnicity, so that’s as diverse I’m going to go into my stats.)

Most Read AuthorsG5

  1. Brandon Sanderson (4 books)
  2. Joe Abercrombie (3 books)
  3. Hiromu Arakawa (3 books)
  4. Stephen King (3 books)
  5. Mark Lawrence (3 books)
  6. Michael J. Sullivan (3 books)
  7. Brian McClellan (2 books)
  8. 21 authors tied (1 book)

◊  ◊  ◊

Now, for the grand finale!!!!!G4

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Wasn’t that incredibly fun? And I no way whatsoever did I breakdown my “books” and authors and reading stats too much. I mean, obviously all the data is absolutely important and relevant, and totally worth all the time I wasted doing it 😛 (For the record, this I what I did this weekend while watching the RedSox)

Seriously though, I think this data is somewhat useful:

  1. The gap between male and female authors is going to grow, but I will actively seek out to read more females.
  2. I would like to get my average pages read per day up to 100.
  3. I want to keep that books read per month between 6 and 8

The biggest question of all though: Who do you think will win the game of authors? Will Sanderson keep the lead and come out on top? I’m reading The Dark Tower series right now, and plan on finished Powder Mage, so could King or McClellan make a comeback? Or could it possibly be some author tied at one?

Who do you think will win YOUR game of authors?

Hope you enjoyed reading this!


10 thoughts on “Reading Statistical Breakdown: Mid-Point 2015

  1. Jenn says:

    This WAS super fun! I’m feeling inspired to figure out some similar stats for myself! I haven’t read a lot of books by the same author this year; I think the only ones who I have read more than one book by are Ursula K. Le Guin, Lynn Flewelling, and Naomi Novik so far. I’m also predicting that I could diversify my reading a lot more – I almost never pick up novellas or short stories. Really interesting.


    • You should totally try and do it! At least at the end of the year. It’s so much fun looking at all the data and making graphs!
      Very eye opening too. I knew I was far behind in female authors, but didn’t know it was THAT bad. I had been on the fence about reading Robin Hobb’s Farseer trilogy, now though, I’m have more reason to read it.


  2. Oh, I love me some stats! They are so fun to do and see from others. Really puts things in perspective when they’re laid out like this, doesn’t it? I’m already looking forward to my end of the year percentages.

    And I have a feeling McClellan will over take Sanderson if you’re planning on reading all the Powder Mage novellas too. They are quick reads not to mention there are a ton of them 🙂 Of course, if you decide to tackle some Sanderson novellas, it would be close…


    • Yeah, it shows a lot. I am happy I did one half way instead of waiting until the end of the year.
      With Sanderson, I only plan on reading Mistborn trilogy, and for McClellan, of course I’m going to read each of those novellas (which is still a “book”). However, I am reading the Dark Tower series right now…


  3. OK, as someone who used every single free elective in college on upper level math or statistics classes, I love this post 🙂 As to what mine would be, I would need to graph it out! 🙂 Dark Tower is pretty long isn’t it? King *could* take it, but who knows.


    • Thanks, Lisa! You have to do one at the end of year!!! I’m sure you could make way cooler graph and statistics than I have here.
      And the Dark Tower has 8 books in the series. I’m thinking he may pull out to the win too 😉


  4. Meg says:

    That IS totally relevant and useful! because I’m pretty sure my own stats would also be a big PacMan of novels eating little slivers of graphic novels, biographies, maybe a magazine or two.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Kaja says:

    Ooh, pretty graphs 🙂 I’m not much good with drawing graphs but it might be a good idea for me too look at the diversity thing, at least! I think I’m mostly reading female authors but that’s because I read a lot of romance and YA where they are much more common than men. I should probably look at each genre separately…


    • Making those graphs on Excel took longer than I’d like to admit XD The diversity result was a bit shocking. I knew there was a gap, but I didn’t know it was that big. Looking at the the genres separately per gender could be very interesting… I think I may do that at the end of the year.


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