Book Collecting: Update #23


Technically there are three other book hauls I should be posting before this one, but I just picked these up from my dollar bookstore (yes, all the book you are about to see cost $1 a piece!) earlier this week, and remembered to take photos of them when I got home! So, here’s what I bought!

Talk about a random selection of Terry Brooks book, right? The reason behind these particular books is simple: I was going to a Terry Brooks signing later that day!

I don’t actually own any books by Brooks, so before I went to the signing, I thought I’d check to see my $1 book outlet store to see if they had any of him in-stock.

These were the only two books they had of him (I would have preferred hardcover), but they were in like-new condition, and I they later got signed!

I’ll be putting a post up of that event (hopefully) soon!

The Left Hand of God trilogy, is a series that I have been waining to read for a couple years now. I first discovered it on one of those top Grimdark lists, and later found out it ranked very high on many of these Grimdark lists.

The outlet store had had books 2 and 3 for a while, but never seemed to get the first in. Later last year though, there finally did! However, that was when it was 2 for $5, and I never actually planned one reading this as soon as I bought them, or picking them up for a sining, no are they all new hardcover releases – so at the time, $7.50 for the three seemed expensive (I’m being cheep, I know). But when I saw them this time, and being only a buck a piece, perfect time to add them to my collection 🙂

I have never read Tad Williams;  I did pick up The Very Best of Tad Williams when it was released a few year back… but never got around to reading it 😦 So my intention are good! The first by him I intend to read is Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn. I do not yet own any of those books by him, but everytime I come across a good condition (and theses were both like-new condition) hardcover or paperback, I pick it up!

If you looked at my featured image closely, you may have noticed that there were actually two of these LOST books. That’s because one if for me – but the other is for dad for father’s day!

LOST is our favorite show of all-time! And this little companion books with the DVD(!) looked like it’d be an awesome time to check out, here and there.


Last is another A Chet and Bernie Mystery book. I have only read the first book, Dog on It (my review), but I freaking loved it so much! It’s told form the dog’s POV, and it is hilarious! XD I haven’t gotten around to reading any more them since that first one, but it made such an impression on me, that I am always on the look out to pick up the rest of the books that I am missing from the series.

Read any of these books yet? Been to any author signings lately?

Let me know what’s good!


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4 thoughts on “Book Collecting: Update #23

  1. Zezee says:

    I want to go the $1 bookstore. I’m sure I’ll love it.


  2. Tammy says:

    I read Tad Williams’ War of the Flowers and loved it! But I haven’t read any of his books since then. Congrats on scoring such a cool pile of books!


  3. I haven’t read any of these. But I do need to find a dollar bookstore. But first I should probably get some bookshelves. Right now they are all in piles


  4. Ooh, I don’t think I own any books by Terry Brooks either…well, except for the Star Wars: The Phantom Menace novelization as well. I have the hardback edition with Kenobi – I chose the version with Ewan McGregor because my 14 year old self had the biggest crush on him at the time 🙂


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